Why Do Women Cheat?

What Can I Do to Stop It?

By Phillip A. Spight Sr.

Understand the Female Mind Like Never Before

Key Takeaways from the Book:

  1. Why women cheat and the psychology behind it
  2. The biggest mistakes men make in relationship
  3. How to improve intimacy and communication

Key Takeaways from the Book:

Why women cheat and the psychology behind it

The biggest mistakes men make in relationships

How to improve intimacy and communication

Book Overview

If you’re like every other man in the world, you’ve tried to figure out women and what they think. I know it could be hard sometimes, and there’s more to it than you might imagine. Women are complicated, women are almost a different species, women want more out of relationships and that’s usually more than the average man has––or wants––to offer. Women have a romantic side that they really don’t reveal. Exposing that romantic and vulnerable side; well to her it means she might get hurt, and naturally she doesn’t want to get hurt again. Even when a woman feels she can trust you, she will always have her guard up. The only way to get through that wall she’s put up is to show her what she has been looking for: honesty that you understand her true feelings, and you understand who she really is. Most men are not willing to find out what she has to offer and what she really wants. When a man finds the time and the willingness to, it’s usually too late. Here I’ve put together a book so that you can discover the workings of the woman’s inner mind. Not sure how to satisfy your woman? I can’t do it for you, but after interviewing both men and women, the most important (and common) topic seems to be sex. Sex is just as important for women as it is for men. If they aren’t satisfied they go looking for it elsewhere; women cheat, too. And the majorities of women cheat because they are lonely, or need more attention. There’s a lack of affection or communication in the relationship. She may have low self-esteem, or there may even be mental or physical abuse that will certainly cause her to lose her sexual appetite for the man she’s with. And finally, don’t forget the number one reason that women have complained about: the lack of good sex. Many women have stated that they are not satisfied with their men sexually and that’s one reason they turn to the same sex to have their needs met. Men, in order to keep our women happy we need to understand what we lack as lovers. Want to find out how to keep her satisfied based on what she says she’s looking for? . . . Then read on. There are many other reasons why women cheat. We can’t cover every topic here, but this book should give you a general idea, “Why Do Women Cheat?”

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